Re-Organizational Meeting

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 JANUARY 11, 2011


The Re-Organizational Meeting was called to order by newly appointed Chairman Richard Scott at 10:20 a.m. with all of the above in attendance. William Koehler was sworn in as the new County Commissioner for District 2 and entered the meeting in that capacity. Rodney Brown was thanked for his 12 years of dedicated service to the County and to the Board. Brown departed from the meeting.

 The Re-Organizational Meeting was recessed at 10:35 a.m.

 The Re-Organizational Meeting resumed at 10:45 a.m.




Richard Scott

 Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to (re)appoint Richard Scott as Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for the year of 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


Donald Oswald

Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Richard Scott to (re)appoint Donald Oswald as Chairman of the Road and Bridge Department for the year 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 Richard Scott

Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Richard Scott as Chairman of Finance for the year 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 Richard Scott

Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Richard Scott as Chairman of the Social Services Department for the year 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 William Koehler

 Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by Richard Scott to (re)appoint William Koehler as Chairman of Housing for the year 2011.   All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 Peggy Dunlap

 Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Peggy Dunlap as County Administrator for the year 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 Kiowa County Press

 Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to use the Kiowa County Press for all county publications and legal printing for the year 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Richard Scott to post public notices of all meetings with the Kiowa County Commissioners on the commissioner's office door, in the Kiowa County Press, and on the website when timely.  All meetings will be posted on the front door of courthouse 48 hours in advance.  Exception will be made for all special meetings.  All commissioners voted affirmative.


 Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to give the Kiowa County FSA office permission to set up a temporary office in the courthouse in the event of a disaster.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to use the following banks for the depository for Kiowa County for the year 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.



                                      KIT CARSON STATE BANK







2011 RATES

 Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to adopt the following rates for 2011 for Road and Bridge Services rendered.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


1.      544 LOADER                            90.00 per hour (includes operator)

         624 LOADER                            100.00 per hour (includes operator)

         624 LOADER (new)                   100.00 per hour (includes operator)

2.      MAINTAINER                            95.00 per hour (includes operator)

3.      BACKHOE                                 80.00 per hour (includes operator)

4.      D-4H DOZER                           100.00 per hour (includes operator)

        850C JD DOZER                        160.00 per hour (includes operator)

5.     SEMI & TANDEM                        3.50 per loaded mile

6.     GRAVEL                                     25.00 a Tandem load

                                                            35.00 a Semi load

                                                            $.15 a yard without a contract

                                                            $.30 a yard with a contract



One free load (tandem or semi) for each household per calendar year

Additional loads must be purchased through a private contractor or in case of emergency, contact the county commissioner’s office.






   Includes 5 men on Chip spreader, 5 men with truck,

   1 man on loader 3500.00 per 10 hour day.

    Prior approval required by BOCC for less than a 10 hour day



 8.     LOWBOY                                   4.00 a mile (includes operator)


             (24’X 7’)          

1350.00 per new regulation 24’ Cattle Guard              (includes  concrete stringers)   

675.00 to replace a regulation 24’ existing Cattle    Guard   (includes concrete stringers)

175.00 per 24’ concrete stringer

10.   DIGGING GRAVES                       175.00 per grave

11.    TRACTOR MOWER                     75.00 per hour (includes operator)

12.    CEMENT BLANKET                     4.00 per day


Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to adopt the following Hospital Agreement to wit:   All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 Amended - 1995 -combined Hospital Resolution and Hospital Service Agreement.

WHEREAS, the County of Kiowa, situate within the State of Colorado, owns and operates the Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital (County Hospital) which is located on:

 Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11), and Twelve (12) in Block Twenty-six (26) in the Town of Eads, except for that portion of said Lots described below and owned by the District, and

         WHEREAS, the Kiowa County Hospital District (the District), whose boundaries are identical with and to the boundaries of the County, was duly organized on the 6th day of June, 1963, and its officers from time to time have been duly chosen and qualified; and

WHEREAS, the District owns and operates hospital and hospital related facilities (District Hospital) located immediately north of the County Hospital on premises more particularly described as follows, to-wit:

 The South twelve feet and eight inches (12' 8") of Lot Nine (9), Block Twenty-six (26), and the North twenty-six feet and eight inches (26' 8") of Lot Ten (10), Block Twenty-six (26), and the South twenty-three feet and four inches (23' 4") of the West fifty-one feet seven inches (51' 7") of Lot Ten (10); and the South twenty-three feet four inches (23' 4") of the East fifty-two feet one inch (52' 1") of said Lot Ten (10) except the South five feet (5') of the East fifty-two feet one inch (52' 1") of Lot Ten (10), Block Twenty-six (26); and the North one foot eight inches (1' 8") of the West fifty-one feet seven inches (51' 7") of Lot Eleven (11), Block Twenty-six (26) in the original Town of Eads, except that portion of said premises, if any occupied by the present Hospital building, in the Town of Eads; and

 WHEREAS, both Hospitals are owned, operated, and maintained for the use and benefit of the residents and citizens of the County and District; and

        WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Kiowa County by its resolution of October 25, 1963, and the Board of Directors of the Kiowa County Hospital District by its resolution of October 25, 1963, have determined and declared the hospital services rendered by the District Hospital supplement the hospital services rendered by the County Hospital; and

          WHEREAS, since the medical staff of the two Hospitals are identical, and since the Hospitals are so conveniently located next to each other, both the County Hospital Board and the District Hospital Board have determined that the most efficient and economical operation of both Hospitals may be accomplished by assigning the operation, supervision, care, and management of the County Hospital, as well as the District Hospital, to the District Hospital Board; and

         WHEREAS, Colorado Revised Statutes 29-1-201, [et. seq.], as amended, provides that local governmental entities may enter into contracts which would make the most efficient and effective use of their powers and responsibilities by cooperating and contracting with other governmental entities, authorizes both the County Hospital Board and the District Hospital Board to enter into this agreement for services and operating and managing the County Hospital and for hospital services; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Kiowa County, acting for the Kiowa County Hospital, and the Kiowa County Hospital District did, by document dated the 1st day of June, 1965, enter into a certain Hospital Service Agreement; and

WHEREAS, said agreement has been renewed from year to year by the County and the District since 1965, and

          WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Kiowa County and the Board of Directors of the Kiowa County Hospital District being desirous of entering into a new intergovernmental agreement for the year of 2011, do hereby enter into this agreement for services and for the operating and managing of the County Hospital,

   NOW, THEREFORE, all parties hereto agree as follows, to-wit:

 That for and in consideration of the premises, of the mutual covenants and agreements herein set forth, and of the undertaking of each party to the other, and in order to secure the payment of the operation and maintenance expenses of the District, the parties hereto, each signing itself, its respective representatives, successors, and assigns, do mutually covenant, undertake, promise, and agree as follows:


 The purpose of this agreement is to provide for the health and welfare of the citizens and inhabitants of the County and District by providing said citizens and inhabitants with adequate and efficient hospital and medical services which will be accomplished by the District's operation, supervision, care and management of the County Hospital.  At all times, however, District shall listen to and be receptive of the voice of the County Hospital Board.


 The Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital will be represented and present at the regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the District Hospital Board by members of the County Hospital Board, and the secretary of the County Hospital Board will be notified of each meeting date and will be furnished a copy of the minutes of each meeting.

 It is specifically agreed that three (3) members of the County Hospital Board shall have one (1) vote each at the Hospital Board meetings.  Further, the County Hospital Board shall have the sole right and duty to decide which three members of its Board shall vote.


 It shall be the duty of the District to provide the citizens and inhabitants of the County with adequate and efficient hospital and medical services by receiving, caring for, and maintaining the sick, injured, or maimed, and extended stay patients.


The District shall use reasonable efforts and care to staff the County Hospital and District Hospital operations with competent medical and other personnel and employees. All such medical and other personnel and employees shall retain the rights, privileges and immunities of, and shall be deemed to engage in the service and employment of the District (not the County).


 The District shall impose adequate and reasonable rates, fees, rents and charges against all patients for the use of facilities provided by the County Hospital, taking in account the cost of operating and maintaining the County Hospital.


 The District shall at all times operate, supervise, care for and manage the County Hospital properly and in a sound and economical manner.


The District shall establish and enforce reasonable rules and regulations governing the operation, use and services of the County Hospital.  All compensation, salaries, fees, and wages paid by it in connection with operations of the County Hospital shall be reasonable and comparable to payments by other corporations, municipalities, or public bodies for similar services.  The District shall observe and comply with all valid acts, rules, regulations, orders, and directions of any legislative, executive, administrative or judicial body applicable to the County Hospital or to the District Hospital.


 The District shall pay all taxes and assessments or any other municipal or governmental charges, if any, lawfully levied or assessed upon it in respect of the County Hospital or upon any part thereof or upon any revenue there from, when the same shall become due, and shall duly observe and comply with all valid requirements of any governmental authority relative to any part of the County Hospital and shall not create or suffer to be created any lien or charge upon the County Hospital or any part thereof or upon revenues there from.  The District shall pay or shall cause to be discharged or will make adequate provision to satisfy and to discharge, within sixty (60) days after the same shall become payable, all lawful claims and demands for labor, materials, supplies, or any other objects created or incurred by it, which if unpaid might by law become a lien upon the County Hospital or any part thereof or the revenue there from; provided, however, that nothing contained in this Section Eight (8) shall require the District to pay or cause to be discharged or to make provision from any such lien or charge so long as the validity thereof shall be contested in good faith and by the appropriate legal proceedings.


 The District shall at all times maintain with responsible insurers all such insurance reasonably required and obtainable within the limits and at such cost as are deemed reasonable by the District against loss or damage to the County Hospital, and against loss of revenues to the extent at least reasonably necessary to protect the interests of the District and the County (including but not necessarily limited to, fire and extended insurance).  If any useful part of the County Hospital or District Hospital shall be damaged or destroyed, the District shall as expeditiously as may be possible commence and diligently prosecute the repair or replacement of the damaged property so as to restore the same to use.  The proceeds of any insurance pertaining thereto shall be payable to the District and shall be applied as to the necessary costs involved in such repair and replacement, and, to the extent not so applied, shall be retained by the District.  No provision of this paragraph shall be construed as imposing an obligation on the District to spend more on such repairs or replacements than the insurance proceeds.

 The District shall at all times maintain with responsible insurers all such insurance as is reasonably required and obtainable within limits and at costs deemed reasonable by the District as is customarily maintained with respect to hospitals of like character, against public and other liability as is required to indemnify and to hold harmless the District and County against all liabilities, judgments, costs, damages, expenses, and attorneys' fees for loss, damage, or injury to persons or property resulting from the operation of the County Hospital caused by the negligence or willful acts of the District, District officers, employees, or any other agents.  Any liability incurred by the District as a result of the operation of the County Hospital shall be its sole liability, and any liability incurred by the District as a result of the operation of its District Hospital shall be its sole liability, subject to any agreement to the contrary now existing or hereinafter made.


 Kiowa County shall pay and transfer to the District monies annually levied and collected from the Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital fund by the County.  From such monies raised by the County through levy, the County shall remit throughout the year such sums as are necessary to sustain the operation and maintenance of the Hospital, but in no event shall County be responsible for remitting sums to Hospital in excess of those monies generated by the County through levy.  A complete written financial statement showing all relevant financial data including all information required by Section Twelve (12) below shall be submitted MONTHLY.  Copies of said financial statement shall be submitted to the County Board as well as to the Kiowa County Commissioners.


 In addition to the remittance provided for in Section Ten (10), the District shall retain as its own funds, all rates, fees, charges, rents and other income received by it from or on behalf of all patients of the County Hospital during the term of this agreement.


 The District shall conduct a yearly audit and a copy of such audit report shall be promptly submitted to each member of the County Board as well as to the Kiowa County Commissioners after it is received from the auditor.  District shall keep proper books of record on a timely basis according to the generally accepted accounting procedure.


 If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase, or other provision of this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the validity or unenforceability of such section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase, or other provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this agreement.


 This agreement shall be in full force and effect and shall be binding upon the parties hereto from the first day of January, 2011, until midnight, December 31, 2011.

 Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to adopt the Resolution for Licensing of the Ambulance Service from January 11, 2011 to January 10, 2012, to wit:  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 On the 11th of January, 2011 the following was adopted.

 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, this 31st day of January, 1995, the Resolution for Licensing and Inspection of Ambulance Service is amended by the Board of County Commissioners of Kiowa County Colorado, the following:

 That the prior Resolution entitled "AMBULANCE-PERMANENT LICENSING RESOLUTION", dated January, 1978 is hereby repealed.

 That pursuant to the provisions of 1973 C.R.S. 25-3.5-301, as amended, no entity may provide ambulance service publicly or privately in this state after January 1, 1978 unless that person holds a valid license to do so issued by the Board of County Commissioners of the County in which the ambulance service is based.

 That the Board of County Commissioners of Kiowa County does now establish an ambulance service licensing authority effective March 31, 1986, with the following provision:

 Any entity who is desirous of providing ambulance service either public or private in the State of Colorado and whose service will be based in the County of Kiowa and who is desirous of continuing to provide such service after the effective date of this resolution shall make immediate application to the Kiowa County Board of County Commissioners.

 County Health Officer shall prepare, under the Board's supervision, a short application form, which shall be furnished, upon request, to any person seeking to be licensed under this Resolution.

 The application shall provide the following information to aid the Board in its licensing determination:

 (a)  Name, address and telephone number of entity desiring to be licensed.

 (b)  Description of each ambulance, including make, model, year of manufacture, Colorado State license number, motor vehicle chassis number, and length of time vehicle has been in service.

 (c)  Location and description of place or places from which ambulances service will operate.

 (d)  A statement indicating that each ambulance contains equipment which meets or is equivalent to the minimum equipment list established by the State Advisory Council on Emergency Medical Services, and approved by the State Board of Health.

 (e)  A statement indicating that each ambulance driver has a valid Colorado Driver's license along with a Defensive Driving/Emergency Vehicle Drivers Course and a County Emergency Medical Vehicle Driver’s permit.

 (f)  A statement indicating that each ambulance attendant, other than the ambulance driver, has an Emergency Medical Technician Certificate or a Registered Nursing Degree issued by the Department of Health, or is a member of the "Quick Response Team" or as otherwise provided by State Statute.

 (g)  A statement indicating that each ambulance is covered by the provisions of the Colorado Auto Accident Preparations Act.

 (h)  A statement listing the name, address, and curriculum vitae of the Physician Advisor to the ambulance service.

 (i)  A certificate issued from the Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital and Nursing Home, Eads, Colorado, indicating their approval of the applicant's qualifications.  Approval shall be granted or denied based on a set criteria established by said hospital.

 Ambulances will be inspected as set forth in the EMS Resolution, and any other time deemed necessary by the ambulance coordinator or by the Kiowa County Road and Bridge Mechanic.  Any necessary repairs will be made at that time.

 Whereby the ambulances are owned by Kiowa County, and operated by Weisbrod Hospital, insurance coverage on ambulances is covered by Kiowa County.

 Each entity desiring to be licensed under this Resolution shall have a Physician Advisor who established protocols for medical acts performed by E.M.T. or paramedics of a pre hospital emergency medical servicing agency and who is responsible to assure competency of the performance of those acts by E.M.T. and paramedics in accordance with the "Acts Allowed" by the Colorado State Board of Medical Examiners.

 The Board, upon finding that the information and statements requested in the application form have been completely supplied and upon determining that such information and statements are sufficient indication of the applicant's compliance with the ambulance service license, together with the appropriate number of ambulance permits to such applicant a license shall be issued and valid for twelve months following the date of issuance.

 Any license, unless revoked by the Board of County Commissioners may be renewed by filing an application identical to the original application for such license.  Applications for renewal shall be filed annually, but not less than thirty days before the date the license expires.

No license or permit issued pursuant to this section shall be sold, assigned, or otherwise transferred.

 Upon a determination by the Board of County Commissioners that any licensed entity has violated or failed to comply with any provisions of this Resolution, the Board may temporarily suspend for a period not to exceed thirty days, any license or permit issued.  The licensed entity shall receive written notice of such temporary suspension, and a hearing shall be held no later than ten days after such temporary suspension.  After such hearing, the Board may suspend any license for a portion of or for the remainder of its life.  At the end of such period, the licensed entity whose license or permit was suspended, may apply for a new license or permit as in the case of the original application.

 Upon second violation or failure to comply with any provision of this Resolution by any licensed entity, the Board of County Commissioners may permanently revoke such license.

 Dated this 11th day of January, 2011

 Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to adopt the following Intergovernmental Agreement for Ambulance/EMT Services for the year 2011, to wit: All Commissioners voted affirmative.


             THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT, entered into this 11th day of January, 2011, by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF KIOWA COUNTY whose address is P.O. Box 100, Eads, Colorado 81036, hereinafter called and referred to as “County”, and the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WEISBROD MEMORIAL COUNTY HOSPITAL whose address is 1208 Luther, Eads, Colorado 81036, hereinafter called and referred to as “Hospital”,


W  I  T  N  E  S  S  E  T  H:

             WHEREAS, County owns and maintains various ambulances and related medical equipment contained therein, and

             WHEREAS, Hospital is desirous of operating an ambulance/EMT service as part of its function as a County Hospital, and

             WHEREAS, both parties are willing to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement to define their respective rights, duties and obligations of both parties, one to the other, as the same concerns the operation of an ambulance/EMT service, and

             WHEREAS, pursuant to C.R.S. 29-1-201, et. seq., it specifically allows any government including but not limited to counties and county hospitals to enter into intergovernmental agreements to cooperate or contract with one another to provide any function, service or facility lawfully authorized to each of the cooperating or contracting units,

            NOW, THEREFORE, that for and in consideration of the following acts, covenants, conditions, doings and things both parties agree to as follows, to-wit:

1.         County hereby grants to Hospital the exclusive right to the usage, operation, and possession of four (4) of County’s ambulances, exclusive of a hazmat ambulance, for a period commencing on the 11th day of January, 2011 and ending on the 10th day of January, 2012. 


2.         As part of the consideration extended by County to Hospital, County agrees to allow Hospital to fuel these ambulances from the County shop pumps with the understanding that the Hospital shall reimburse County on a monthly basis at County’s costs for said fuel.  Further, County, at no expense to Hospital shall service the ambulances for normal and routine maintenance with the understanding that the Hospital shall reimburse County for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred for parts and supplies including oil, filters, tires and the like to be billed to Hospital on a monthly basis at the County cost.  Except for emergency repairs that would render the ambulance unsafe, the request by Hospital for the performance of minor maintenance will not take priority over other county projects but County shall perform said minor maintenance in a reasonable period of time.


3.         Further, the Hospital shall hire a qualified director to bring the ambulance/EMT service up to standards as required by the State of Colorado.  The County shall further assist Hospital in obtaining grant monies to operate such services or to procure ambulances.


            4.         County shall provide motor vehicle insurance on said ambulances.


5.         In consideration of Hospital agreeing to operate the ambulance/EMT service within Kiowa County, County agrees to remit to Hospital for the year 2011 the sum of One hundred seventy seven thousand and ninety dollars ($177,090) which sum is derived as follows:


a.         The first part of funding shall consist of the monies received from the County Hospital Fund created for both Hospital and ambulance/EMT services, which both parties agree for the year 2011 to budget the sum of One Hundred Sixty two thousand and ninety dollars ($162,090). As long as this agreement is in effect, this provision shall replace the funding requirement within the existing Hospital Service Agreement between the County and the Hospital and supersede any other pre-existing agreements involving ambulance and/or EMT services.  If this agreement is terminated then the funding provisions of the original Hospital Service Agreement will remain in effect.


b.         The second part of the ambulance/EMT service funding shall consist of all EMS subsidy fund monies received which amount both parties anticipate shall approximate the sum of Eleven Thousand and ten Dollars ($15,000.00).  These monies shall be spent in accordance to the provisions and terms of the fund.


c.         Both parties further agree to re-evaluate aforementioned manner of funding in the event there is a material change in assessed valuation or the EMS subsidy grant or profit and/or loss of operating the Ambulance/EMT Service. 


d.         County shall remit the above funds as they become available and requested by the Hospital throughout the year to sustain the operation and maintenance of the ambulance/EMT service but in no event shall County be responsible for remitting additional sums to Hospital in excess of those monies actually generated by the County through levy, grant, fund balance or otherwise.  


6.         At such time that the Hospital assumes full operation of the Ambulance/EMS service the Hospital shall furnish all drivers, EMTs and physicians necessary to properly and adequately operate said ambulance/EMT service within the County of Kiowa, State of Colorado and shall bear all expenses involved in training and maintaining said personnel.  Further, County Hospital shall provide workers’ compensation and liability insurance covering the EMTs and drivers as well as the operation of the ambulance/EMT services.


7.         Hospital further agrees to comply with all federal, state and local laws, statutes,

rules, and resolutions involved in operations of an ambulance/EMT service.


8.         Hospital shall furnish to County annual financial reports prepared according to generally accepted accounting procedures.


9.         Hospital agrees to furnish to County any costs associated with the use of EMS Ambulance and EMS Ambulance Personnel during the Kiowa County Fair.


10.       This agreement automatically renews each year on the anniversary date.


11.       Either party may terminate this agreement with or without cause upon 180 days written notice to the other party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Intergovernmental Agreement on the day and year first above written.


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to adopt the Drug Free Workplace policy for the year 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Pursuant to House Bill 5210 of the General Assembly of Colorado:

 1.      It is illegal to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess or use any controlled substance in your work place.

2.      Kiowa County has installed a drug free awareness program which provides information on the    availability of drug counseling and rehabilitation - for further information, please contact:  Peggy Dunlap, 438-5810, PO Box 100, Eads, CO  81036

3.      Kiowa County is required to notify our granting agency within ten days after we receive notice of any conviction under any criminal anti-drug statue.

First Adopted December 29, 1988


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to adopt the following holidays for 2011:   All Commissioners voted affirmative.


President's Day                        2/21/2011

Good Friday (R&B)                    4/21/2011                  

Good Friday                             4/22/2011                  

Memorial Day                           5/30/2011                  

Independence Day                   7/4/2011                    

Labor Day                                9/5/2011                    

            *Fair (not a holiday)                 8, 9,10 September, 2011                     

Columbus Day                         10/10/2011                

Veteran's Day                           11/11/2011                

Thanksgiving                           11/24-25/2011                      

Christmas                                12/23 and 12/26/2011                      

New Year's                               1/2/2012                    

 *All county employees who do not have other fair assignments INCLUDING Daycare & DSS will please help with the BBQ's. Prairie Pines is excluded.

          Courthouse & Daycare will close at noon on the 8th

          Courthouse & Daycare will close all day on the 9th  

 Note:  Summer Hours start March 21, 2011 and ends Sept. 2, 2011


Brundage Land Surveying

Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to appoint Brundage Land Surveying as county surveyor for the year 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


Pat Roper

 Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to (re)appoint Pat Roper as Veterans Administrator for the year 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


Chris Sorensen

 Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to (re)appoint Chris Sorensen as Emergency Manager for the year 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


Shinn, Steerman, and Shinn Lawyers

 Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Shinn, Steerman and Shinn as County Attorney for the year 2011 at an hourly fee of $90.00 per hour including attendance of one conference and expenses every other year.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 Amanda Brown

 Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Amanda Brown as County Auditor for the year 2011. All Commissioners voted affirmative.


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Roscoe Hargrove and Bob Randle as arbitrators for the year 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 ROSCOE HARGROVE                 2011

 BOB RANDLE                          2011



No new appointments were made to the Kiowa County Colorado Building Corp Board of Directors. Motion was made by Richard Scott, seconded by William Koehler to table appointments until the Building Corp meets. All Commissioners voted affirmative.




Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to (re)appoint Linda Offill and Esther McCoin to the Library District Board with term to expire January 13, 2014.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.                                                                                  

 CATHRYN ANDERSON                 JANUARY 13, 2012    

 LANA BROWN                           JANUARY 13, 2013

  LORAINE SAFFER                      JANUARY 13, 2013                                                                           

 LINDA OFFILL                           JANUARY 13, 2014

 ESTHER MCCOIN                       JANUARY 13, 2014


Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to (re)appoint Linly Stum and Floyd Barnes to a 3 year term with term expiring January 13, 2014 and Michelle Wyckoff to a 1 year term to the Kiowa County Planning Commission with term expiring January 13, 2012. All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 MICHELL WYCKOFF                 JANUARY 13, 2012

 JEREMIAH LIEBL                     JANUARY 13, 2012

 SHANE LESSENDEN                 JANUARY 13, 2013

 JIMMY BROWN                       JANUARY 13, 2013

 LINLY STUM                          JANUARY 13, 2014

 FLOYD BARNES                      JANUARY 13, 2014


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Polly Gyurman to the West Kiowa County Recreation Board, with term to expire on January 13, 2016.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 DEBORAH DAVIS                       JANUARY 13, 2012

 PJ LESSENDEN                          JANUARY 13, 2013

 GLENDA STOKER                       JANUARY 13, 2014

 CAROLE SPADY                        JANUARY 13, 2015

  POLLY GYURMAN                      JANUARY 13, 2016


No new appointments were made to the Central Kiowa County Recreation Board at this time.

 WAYNE SINGER                        JANUARY 10, 2012

 PAM COLE                               JANUARY 8, 2013

 DAWNA WEIRICH                      JANUARY 14, 2014

 LANA BROWN                           JANUARY 13, 2015


Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to (re)appoint Marvin Koeller to the Sheridan Lake and Brandon Recreation Board, with term to expire January 13, 2016.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 JETTIE TALLMAN                     JANUARY 10, 2012

 THERESA WEBER                     JANUARY 14, 2014

 ZELPHA WOELK                       JANUARY 13, 2015

 CRAIG WILLIAMS                     JANUARY 13, 2015

 MARVIN KOELLER                     JANUARY 11, 2016


No new appointments were made to the Towner Recreation Board at this time. 


 RANDY CARNEY                        JANUARY 13, 2012

 SUSAN GREENFIELD                  JANUARY 13, 2014

 SHARON SCOTT                       JANUARY 13, 2015

 LARRY TUTTLE                         JANUARY 13, 2015


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Billy Cordova to the West Kiowa County Cemetery Board, with term to expire January 13, 2014.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 CATHRYN ANDERSON              JANUARY 13, 2012

 GUY SHAFER                         JANUARY 13, 2013

 BILLIE CORDOVA                   JANUARY 13, 2014


Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to (re)appoint Kim Richards to the Pioneer Cemetery Board, with term to expire January 13, 2014.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.


 PENNY WEIRICH                        JANUARY 13, 2012

 LARRY WYATT                          JANUARY 13, 2013

 KIM RICHARDS                          JANUARY 13, 2014


Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to (re)appoint C.H. Williams to the Sheridan Lake and Brandon Cemetery Board, with term to expire January 13, 2014.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 MERLE SHALBERG                     JANUARY 13, 2012

 JIM RICHARDSON                     JANUARY 13, 2013

 C. H. WILLIAMS                       JANUARY 13, 2011


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Cheri Hopkins to the Towner Cemetery Board, with term to expire January 13, 2014.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 FLOYD BARNES                        JANUARY 13, 2012

 SHARON SCOTT                       JANUARY 13, 2013

 CHERI HOPKINS                       JANUARY 13, 2014


Motion was made by Richard Scott, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Lori Shalberg and Roland Sorensen to the Weisbrod County Hospital Board with term to expire January 13, 2014.  All Commissioners voted affirmative. 


 CARL BLODGETT                      JANUARY 13, 2012

 DENNIS PEARSON                    JANUARY 13, 2013

 TOM DAVIS                            JANUARY 13, 2013

 LORI SHALBERG                         JANUARY 13, 2014

 ROLAND SORENSEN                     JANUARY 13, 2014


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by Richard Scott to (re)appoint Brenda Fickenscher  and Areta Blooding-Laird  with a term to expire January 13, 2015. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

                                       KEVIN DAVIS                           JANUARY 13, 2012

TERRI LEONARD                        JANUARY 13, 2012

DALE BUTLER                           JANUARY 13, 2013

TEARLE LESSENDEN                  JANUARY 13, 2013

SHANE LESSENDEN                    JANUARY 13, 2014

BOBBY SINKA                           JANUARY 13, 2014

BRENDA FICKENSCHER               JANUARY 13, 2015




Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Rick Spady to the Kiowa County Weed Board with terms to expire January 13, 2013.  All commissioners voted affirmative.


 JEFF UHLAND                            JANUARY 13, 2012                                                                                

 RICK SPADY                             JANUARY 13, 2013



Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Richard Scott, Donald Oswald, William Koehler, Peggy Dunlap, and the Chairman of Zoning & Planning to the Health Board with terms to expire January 13, 2012.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

RICHARD SCOTT (Chairman)                JANUARY 13, 2012

DONALD OSWALD                              JANUARY 13, 2012

WILLIAM KOEHLER                             JANUARY 13, 2012

PEGGY DUNLAP                                 JANUARY 13, 2012

(Z&P CHAIRMAN) to be decided           JANUARY 13, 2012

RENAY CRAIN - Public Health Advisor to the Board

DENNIS PEARSON – Public Health Advisor to the Board

 (Kiowa County Board of Health includes Kiowa County Commissioners, Kiowa County Administrator and the Chairman of the Kiowa County Zoning & Planning Board)


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Richard Scott, William Koehler, and Cardon Berry as the Enterprise Zone Board of Directors representatives from this area and to (re)appoint Donald Oswald and Cardon Berry as directors to the Southeast Council of Governments.  All appointments with terms to expire January 13, 2012.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

RICHARD SCOTT                      JANUARY 13, 2012 – SECED-Executive Board

WILLIAM KOEHLER                   JANUARY 13, 2012 - SECED Director

CARDON BERRY                       JANUARY 13, 2012 - SECED Director

CARDON BERRY                       JANUARY 13, 2012 - SECOG Director

DONALD OSWALD                    JANUARY 13, 2012 - SECOG Director



Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to appoint Donald Oswald and  Richard Scott to the Southern Colorado Economic Development District Board with terms to expire January 13, 2012.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 DONALD OSWALD                    JANUARY 13, 2012

 RICHARD SCOTT                      JANUARY 13, 2012


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by Richard Scott to (re)appoint William Koehler, Richard Scott , Donald Oswald and  Dennis Pearson(alternate) to the Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation Board with terms to expire January 11, 2011.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 WILLIAM KOEHLER (Director)    JANUARY 13, 2012

 RICHARD SCOTT (Director)      JANUARY 13, 2012

 DONALD OSWALD (Director)    JANUARY 13, 2012

 DENNIS PEARSON (Alternate)   JANUARY 13, 2012


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by Richard Scott to (re)appoint William Koehler to the Southeast Region Workforce Board with terms to expire January 13, 2012.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 WILLIAM KOEHLER                   JANUARY 13, 2012



Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Richard Scott to (re)appoint Eunice Weber, Donald Oswald, and Warren Yule to the Southeastern Colorado Regional Emergency & Trauma Advisory Council Board with terms to expire January 13, 2012.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 EUNICE WEBER (EMS Director)              JANUARY 13, 2012

 DONALD OSWALD (Commissioner)          JANUARY 13, 2012      

 WARREN YULE (Hospital Adm.)              JANUARY 13, 2012


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by Richard Scott to appoint Dennis Pearson to the Southeast Colorado Mental Health with term to expire January 13, 2012.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 DENNIS PEARSON                     JANUARY 13, 2012



Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Sharon Johnson and Betsy Barnett to the Historical Preservation Advisory Commission with terms to expire January 13, 2014.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 ALEXA ROBERTS                        JANUARY 13, 2012

 DAN RICHARDS                          JANUARY 13, 2012

 KIM BARLOW                             JANUARY 13, 2012

 JEFF CAMPBELL                         JANUARY 13, 2013

 KELLY COURKAMP                      JANUARY 13, 2013

 SHARON JOHNSON                     JANUARY 13, 2014

 BETSY BARNETT                        JANUARY 13, 2014


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to appoint Rob I. Smith as the TV Translator/Tower Maintenance Independent Contractor with term to expire January 13, 2012.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 ROB I. SMITH                            JANUARY 13, 2012


Motion was made by William Koehler, seconded by Donald Oswald to appoint Eads Medical Clinic   as the Medical Advisor to the Kiowa County Nursing Service with term to expire January 13, 2012.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 EADS MEDICAL CLINIC             JANUARY 13, 2012


Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Krissy Ray, Sharon Frazee and Donald Oswald as the CSBG Transit Advisory Board Officers with terms to expire January 13, 2012.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 KRISSY RAY                            JANUARY 13, 2012

 SHARON FRAZEE                      JANUARY 13, 2012

 DONALD OSWALD                    JANUARY 13, 2012



Motion was made by Donald Oswald, seconded by William Koehler to (re)appoint Ruthanna Jacobs, Pat Roper and Betsy Barnett as the Kiowa County Museum Board Officers with terms to expire in one year increments.  All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 RUTHANNA JACOBS                 JANUARY 13, 2012

 PAT ROPER                            JANUARY 13, 2013

 BETSY BARNETT                     JANUARY 13, 2014





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