Minutes Jan 11,2011

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 The Regular Meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Rodney Brown on January 11, 2011. Scott opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those attending were:


Rodney Brown, Commissioner

Donald Oswald, Commissioner

Richard Scott, Commissioner

Debra C. Lening, County Clerk

Peggy Dunlap, Administrator

Also attending the meeting as a visitor was Commissioner Elect William Koehler.

 Minutes from the December 30, 2010 Regular Meeting was read. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Scott, to approve the minutes as read. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 The Personnel Policy changes were discussed. The attorney recommended that the Administrator check with CTSI on some of the items. There was also discussion regarding Zoning and Planning issues that were being work on by the attorney.

 There is some interest in the wrecked transit van. Scott made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to advertise for bids on the van as is. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 There was discussion regarding the burned buildings in Brandon and the responsibility to clean it up. The ash that will start blowing and large pieces of tin could become a hazard if they start blowing. Commissioner Scott will check in the Zoning and Planning manual and with the attorney to see what can be done.

The 2010 vouchers were reviewed. Vouchers were approved and signed.

 After completing the old business of the county, Oswald made the motion, seconded by Scott, to recess the Regular Meeting at 9:40 a.m. to swear in the new Commissioner and enter into the Re-Organizational Meeting. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

The Re-Organizational Meeting was recessed at 10:35 a.m. to meet with Ambulance Director Eunice Weber regarding several items. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to approve and sign the County Plan Document for SECRETAC Funding. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to approve Mary Eikner, Eunice Weber, and Bob Woods as ambulance drivers. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to approve and sign the Ambulance Service Licenses for 5 ambulances for 2011. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 The Regular Meeting resumed at 11:45 a.m.

 The vouchers were reviewed. Four vouchers were questioned. Vouchers were approved and signed.

 The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

 The Treasurer’s Quarterly Investments report was reviewed.

 The Treasurer’s six month report was signed and filed.

 The Clerk’s report was reviewed and filed.

Dennis Pearson, Director of the Department of Social Services (DSS) met with the Commissioners. Pearson recommended approving a contract with Don Steerman as the Attorney for DSS. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to approve the contract with Steerman. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

Pearson stated that he needed clarification on Audrey Johnson as a full time employee instead of a ¾ time employee. He said he needed her full time due to the increase in case load, which has doubled in the last two years. He stated that moving her to full time would not cost the County any additional money, it’s all State money. Pearson also pointed out that KCEDF Director Jan Richards has been a “¾ time” employee with KCEDF and a “¼ time” employee with DSS. Richards is going to ¾ time with KCEDF only, so Johnson could step in and do what Richards had been doing for DSS. Also, Pearson stated that he is cleaning the DSS offices at no charge to the County. Commissioner Scott asked what would happen if Johnson worked at Day Care and went over her 40 hours at DSS. Pearson said this would not occur. Commissioner Scott does not want this becoming a problem that could be an issue with the State. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, that the DSS Personnel Policy reflect the normal work week is to remain at 37 ½ hours, but no overtime will be paid until 40 hours have been worked. After 40 hours, the overtime will kick in at 1 ½ time. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 After further discussion, Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, for Audrey Johnson to work for DSS as a full time 37.5 hour/week employee rather than a ¾ time position due to increased program participation. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

Michelle & Dustin Wyckoff, Jim and Carol Barnard, Linda Eder, Ann & John Kreutzer, Diana Billheimer, Mike Reystead, Bill Woelk and Delton Eikenberg met with the Commissioners regarding transmission lines. Michelle Wyckoff started the conversation with the question, “Have you approved the new land use policy yet?” Commissioner Scott stated, “An Ordinance establishing regulations for requirements in a Conditional Use Permit Application by transmission line companies in Kiowa County is being developed and is currently being reviewed by the county attorney. When her work is finished, the document will be reviewed by the County Zoning and Planning committee, of which you, Michelle, are now a member. The document is subject to change and revision. It will also be made available for public review and comment.”

Wyckoff then asked, “Has Xcel Energy given you a route for the transmission line?” Commissioner Scott replied that Xcel Energy is intending to file an application for a CPCN (Certificate of Public Convenience and Need) from the Public Utilities Commission of Colorado in the first quarter of 2011. Precise routing alternative will not be made until the CPCN is approved.

Carol Barnard wanted to know why the Commissioners would not recommend the route through Bent County. Commissioner Scott said they would like to see if there were others that would like to have the lines before committing one way or another. He stated that some were interested in having lines, and that others should have the right to be considered for transmission lines. Wyckoff said, “Even if they are outvoted?” Commissioner Scott replied that we were not at a point in the process for voting. She wanted to know where the County was regarding wind farms. Scott stated that CPV (Competitive Power Ventures) had sent a letter of support but it looked like any wind farm would be years down the line. Wyckoff asked Commissioner Koehler if there were going to be any new gas lines. He said not that he was aware of, but that some time in the future the conduit water line would be coming in.

Wyckoff wanted to know were the County was in regard to the Coordination process. She wanted to know if the Commissioners were going to adopt the Lincoln County Coordination Policy. Scott said the commissioners have committed to the Coordination process by Resolution, by it’s insertion in to the application process for Conditional Use Permits, inclusion in Zoning and Planning Regulations and a presentation at the recent CCI Southern Regional meeting.

 Mike Reystead said there would be a meeting February 10th regarding Coordination and said he would contact the Commissioners. They will be inviting commissioners from all the surrounding counties to attend. The Commissioners had set February 10th as the date for their Regular Meeting in February, but said they would reschedule their meeting date to be able to attend.

Wyckoff wanted to know what the benefit would be to the County if the transmission lines came in, stating that there would be no advantage for the land owner as the land would be devalued. She also said that that’s where Coordination would help in preventing them from taking the land without negotiations and would give more power to negotiate for just compensation. Commissioner Scott said the requirements in the Ordinance for Conditional Use Permit Application prevent this from happening. Commissioner Scott gave Wyckoff a rough draft copy of the proposed Transmission Line Ordinance as well as a rough draft of a landowners guide for easement negotiation with transmission line companies. Reystead stated that they need an obligation of commitment from the Commissioners to use Coordination to help the land owners protect their rights. Scott said he thought the Commissioners showed their commitment with the Coordination Resolution and with the changes to the Zoning & Planning Policy.

Wyckoff stated that once the transmission companies have the permits in place, they can take more land for easements and they can change what else they want down the line. Carol Barnard stated again that she wants the Commissioners to keep them informed before something comes in.

Commissioner Scott told Wyckoff that she had been put on the Zoning & Planning Board at her request, so any and all Conditional Use Permits for this transmission line will have to go through the Zoning & Planning process before it ever gets to the Commissioners.

Scott made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to send a letter of support for wind farms to CPV (Competitive Power Ventures), to wit:

Sean J. Finnerty

Sr. Vice President

Competitive Power Ventures

50 Braintree Hill Office Park

Braintree, MA 02184

Mr. Finnerty:

 Three years ago, CPV came to Kiowa County working with local land owners to secure a site for a wind energy project.  Since then, they have been actively engaged with the community and the County Commissioners.  The Kiowa County Commissioners support wind farm development as a potential economic driver in the area.  Wind farms are compatible with existing land uses and could provide valuable jobs, income to farmers and ranchers and revenues to local governments.

 Kiowa County Commissioners support Public Service of Colorado selecting the CPV Titan Wind Energy Project which is located in Kiowa County with a planned interconnection to the Lamar substation in Prowers County.   The project would create permanent high paying jobs for our County.

 In addition to the high paying permanent jobs associated with the operation of the wind farm, we welcome the hundreds of temporary construction jobs the project will create in this time of economic downturn.  The construction jobs will positively affect all businesses in the region including housing, restaurant, retail and commercial.  Additionally, many construction materials are locally available.  Our County appreciates that CPV has already had constructions firms visit the site.  The construction and operation of one or more wind farms in Southeastern Colorado would provide a much needed boost in jobs and revenues for the people, businesses and government in the area.

 We hereby support the type of investment that CPV is proposing to make in this part of Colorado.  Kiowa County would welcome Public Service of Colorado’s selection of the CPV Titan Wind Energy Project.


Richard Scott

Kiowa County Commissioner, Chairman

Donald Oswald, Commissioner 


Kiowa County - Colorado

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