Possible Transmission Line

Press Min Dec 29 2011.pdf
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Special Meeting Sep 30 2011.pdf
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PPAL 2nd quarter 2011.pdf
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Possible Transmission Line
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Commissioners Corner

By Dick Scott


            We continue to gather more information about the possible transmission line that might cross as much as fifty miles of Kiowa County. A group of  concerned landowners from the Haswell -Arlington-Eads  area met with us two meetings ago. They specifically wanted us to stop this line and urge that it be routed thru Bent county. They also had some questions. One question was, “ What is the economic benefit to Kiowa County, from any of the proposed lines?”  We didn’t have an answer that gave a net amount but Tax Revenue would be the primary benefit.  We wanted to come up with a better answer and have spent some time trying to get that information.  Following is what we learned to date:

            This type of line is State assessed.. We had a conference call with  the State Assessment office last Fri. They will not be able to calculate the estimated tax amounts for us until the power company furnishes a financial statement (spring 2011). By July 1st,2011 the State Assessment office can give us a tax revenue estimate based on a given size and length of line.

            We pressed for some ball park figures and the best analogy was with a 35 mile, 230kV line in Costilla County. The annual total revenue (county, school districts and special districts) to Costilla is $374,000.00. Ours might be far less but tax revenue from a major transmission line could be very significant to Kiowa County.  I think it would be premature to try to stop this line before we knew what benefit there might be.

             The group also feels their land would be taken without just compensation. I have talked to some landowners in other counties and am hearing some pretty good amounts paid for right of way. Again, I think we need to get a better feel for this before we recommend to route through Bent county.



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