Kiowa County & the Web

Home Up Press Min Dec 29 2011.pdf Press Min Dec 15 2011.pdf Press Special Meeting Dec 6 2011.pdf Press Min Nov 22 2011.pdf Press Min Nov 14 2011.pdf Press Min Oct 27 2011.pdf Press Min Oct 12 2011.pdf Special Meeting Sep 30 2011.pdf Press Min Sep 27 2011.pdf Press Min Sep 13 2011.pdf Press Min Aug 23 2011.pdf Press Min Aug 11 2011.pdf July 28  MEETING-2.pdf Press Min Jul 12 2011.pdf Press Min Jun 28 2011.pdf Press Special Meeting Min Jun 16 2011.pdf Press Min Jun 13 2011.pdf Press Min May 26 2011.pdf Press Min May 12 2011.pdf Press Min Apr 25 2011.pdf Press Min Apr 12 2011.pdf Minutes March 29 March 10,2011 Minutes Feb 24,2011 Special Meeting Feb 17 2011 Minutes Feb 9 2011 Minutes Jan 27 Minutes Jan 11,2011 Re-Organizational Meeting PPAL 2nd quarter 2011.pdf Revenue/Expense 01-03/31-2011 Income & Expense 01-01-2010 to 09-30-2010 The Towner Line.pdf Transmission lines.pdf Rebuilding of Highway 96 Murdock Project KCEDF Survey Kiowa County & the Web Murdock Building Don Hunt Possible Transmission Line Welcome Bill Koehler Hwy 96Commissioners 2022 Commissioners 2020 Commissioners 2019 Commissioners 2018 Commissioners 2017 Kiowa County 2016 Commissioners 2015 Commissioners 2014 Commissioners 2013 Commissioners 2012 Commissioners 2011 Commissioners 2010 RESOLUTIONS Commissioners Corner

The commissioners continue to make more use of the internet and place more information related to county business on our web pages. Sharon Pearson and Jeanne Sorensen both voluntarily manage a web page for Kiowa County. We will send information to both pages and hopefully the amount and variety of data and information will increase over the coming months.

  is the page produced by Sharon

 is the site produced by Jeanne.

             I sent the Legislative Update of Action 22 to both pages this past Monday. This update will show the status of various House and Senate Bills in the State Congress. Action 22 will also indicate whether they support or oppose various proposed legislation.

            CCI (Colorado Counties Inc.) also sends out a legislative update and we may put that information on the web pages as well.

            It is not so much to get support or opposition for various legislation but to place pertinent information at the viewers / readers disposal-- it may help them to decide, on their own, to support or oppose legislation.

            Action 22 is a regional advocacy group for southern Colorado. It covers a 22 County region in southern and eastern Colorado. It is made up of Counties, municipalities, businesses, associations and individuals to give voice for southern Colorado in shaping the policy and regulation that affects all of southern Colorado. Kiowa County is a member of Action 22.

            You can sign up for your own free e-mail Action 22 Monday Morning Update

by sending an e-mail to


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