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Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site
Kiowa County was created on April 11 1889, taking its name for the Kiowa Indians, is located on the eastern edge of Colorado. To the north borders Cheyenne Co, west is Lincoln Co and Crowley Co, Otero Co, Bent Co and Prowers Co on the south. Kiowa Co shares the east border with the state of Kansas.
The Missouri Pacific Railroad cross the Kansas border in 1887 during the Colorado Gold Rush. Several small camps for railroad workers were establish. Though over a dozen started only three incorporated towns remain today, Sheridan Lake, Eads and Haswell. Towner, Brandon, Chivington and Arlington still support citizens without the vantage of city government.
Kiowa County is considered a frontier because of its population density.  There are 1786 Square miles with a .8 person per square mile. Population census of 2010 showed the county had 1398 living here.
The wide open spaces makes Kiowa County a perfect place for outdoor activity. From camping to hunting to wildlife watching. To the south of Eads lies the Great Plains Reservoirs bearing Cheyenne Indian names. Neesopah, Neegronda, Neenoshe, and Neeskah. These are part of the Queens State Wildlife Area. South of Haswell is Adobe Creek Reservoir or 'Blue Lake'.  All are excellent areas for wildlife watching- from prairie dogs to eagles.
Being considered a 'Frontier' does not mean things aren't happening here or you can't get the services offered in more populated areas.
The top of the list of what is here is health care. Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital and Nursing Home has above average rating of health inspections and staffing. There is also a Medical Clinic, Health Nurses and Ambulance Service. When the need for Assisted Living, the county residences agreed to build Prairie Pines. A very modern facility built on the south edge of Eads. Residents have the joy of seeing wildlife close by most every day.
Need the internet to work? No Problem. In 2001 local residence introduce dial-up internet service and shortly after higher speed wireless service. They sold to Southeast Colorado Power in early 2008 when the demand for service area became more than 2 could handle. During that tenure Eastern Slope Rural Telephone as well as Fair Point Communication, also became aware of the need for high speed internet service and started offering DSL.
There is a on going county wide effort to  preserve the history and to up date services at the same time.
Northeast of Chivington is the location of the Sand Creek Massacre atrocities.  A dedication on April 28,2007 officially established the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site  as the nations 391st national park.
 A bicycle tour across the United State in 1976,  establishing what is now know as the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail.(http://www.adventurecycling.org/routes/transamerica.cfm)
Joff Summerfield - World Tour This route started in Astoria, OR and ended in Yorktown, VA consisting of 4250 miles (6840 km) In Kiowa County this route follows state highway 96 and is known as the Prairie Horizons Trail
Many cyclist from the United States and all over the world have traveled this route. 



Intel Corp. has code-named its most advanced computer chip after a tiny town in southeastern Colorado
Haswell Colorado

Kiowa County Declared Storm Ready by NOAA

5 Tornadoes Southeast Colorado 4/27/2012

 Rainbow on the Plains

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